2008 Christmas Time Greetings from the Talbott's...
We’re in Ohio this year for Christmas visiting some friends and family, and thought we'd post this to bring you up to date on our 2008.
Dixie entered a photo contest this year. She didn’t win anything. So, then she decided to teach herself to watercolor. So far, nothing worthy of framing, according to her (her Cat painting, in my opinion, was fant

astic!) She's improving her painting daily keeping her brain cells activated and challenged. She became an avid walker throughout the entire winter and spring only to find out she had a fractured pelvis and, since May, had been using a wheelchair and walker, until about 3 weeks ago. It’s a good thing she enjoys sitting around reading, painting and photographing grandchildren! Oh, one bit of good news... somehow she managed to lose twelve pounds during this period. She thinks it happened because it was just too much work to wheel herself into the kitchen-all of ten feet away.
Hmm...maybe I should break something...