This day, many years ago, God gave me the gift of Himself as Jesus the baby, who lived a perfect life in the same imperfect world I now live in. But, unlike me, Jesus lived His life in perfect, total obedience to God the father, something I can't do...
Because of his love for me, God gave me this baby Jesus...on what we now call Christmas Day...because He wants me to spend eternity with Him. Since God is a holy God, to live with Him for eternity requires me to be Holy, which I can't ever achieve on my own.
Jesus came to "make me" holy, since I can't live a life completely obedient to God's holiness standard. He did so by being the perfectly holy sacrifice for my imperfection...by dying on a cross, paying the penalty for my short comings, a requirement for me, an imperfect person, to live in God's presence.
Through his death, Jesus's blood has covered all my imperfections, and, because of God's perfect promise, I will spend eternity with the Father, and the Son, Jesus.
Am I now perfect enough, then to be in God's presence? No, but when the Father looks at me, he sees me through "Jesus-blood-covered glasses", and all he sees is His original perfect creation, made perfect though the blood from the sacrificial death of His perfect Son, Jesus...
But...He didn't do this just for me... God has sent His gift to everyone... Have you unwrapped His gift for you today?